Monday, August 10, 2009

Cash for Clunkers UPDATE: Cash for Casas or Dollars for Debt?

I recently posted my thoughts concerning Cash for Clunkers here. One point I made was essentially that, not only is it wrong for the government to be offering such a program, it is wrong for individuals to be participating in such a program. I read a column today that's making me wonder if I'd have the ability to resist in terms of taking advantage of something I still think the government ought not to offer.

The case that may make me consider my consider re-thinking my principled stance (or at least holding the position, but ignoring it in terms of my actions) that I ought not to be participating in such government programs.

Obama and the 'B' Ark economy


The "success" of the automotive scheme suggests that we will eventually see some sort of "Cash for Casas" program and perhaps even a "Dollars for Debt" offer wherein the federal government provides dollar-for-dollar matching contributions for federally approved purchases financed with consumer loans.

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